The St. Mary’s Youth Hostel was established in August 2007 in a 4 acre land in Sandakan, Sabah. The Cente has a Hostel which caters to the needy and underprivileged students coming from the interior of Sabah while attending the mainstream school, SM St Mary Sandakan, away from their home villages.

In partnership with the Montford Brothers of St. Gabriel, we aim to provide the needy and underprivileged students from the Intener of Sabah with the seed of hope to overcome their difficulties in getting a good education.

St. Mary’s Youth Hostel depends very much on the partnership and financial support from the General public, corporate sectors and private individuals and Foundations to fund the running and upkeep of the Hostel. It is through these donations, whether in kind or cash, which is tax exemptible, the SMYH is able to continue to give these boarders hope in the future.