Briefing on the
70 Church leaders including the Priests, Religious Sisters, and lay leaders have come together for a briefing on the synodal process on the 27th October 2021. The briefing starts with an opening prayer and followed by an opening remark from Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom. The briefing continued with an introduction by Rev. Fr. David Garaman and an explanation of the process by Pilis Malim. An amount of time was spent on ‘Q & A’ to give the participants more space to ask as many questions as possible in regards to the process. The briefing ends with words of hope and encouragement by Bishop Julius. He hoped that the Priest and the lay leaders will work together to understand the synodal process and ensure that the voices from the grassroots are being listened to.

What is the Synod all about?
Put simply, a synod is a gathering of the people, typically to counsel the Pope on doctrinal and pastoral concerns. These discussions may subsequently be implemented as official Church documents. Watch a video on how to take part here.
What is so special about the Synod on Synodality (Synod 2021-2023)?
Synods of the past were typically only participated by the bishops. This is the very first time that the entire Church is invited to participate in the Synodal process. Every baptized Catholic is invited on this journey, regardless of how active they may or may not be in their faith journey.
Who should take part?
Any and every baptized Catholic, from all walks of life regardless of how active they may or may not be in their faith journey.
Why should I take part in the Synodal process?
The Church is not simply constituted of the hierarchy. It is the people of God, which includes the bishops, priests, religious, and the laity. Each of us is a part of this universal Church that is seeking to learn how we can journey with one another in a more holistic manner. Your voice matters, for you, bring with your unique thoughts and experiences that would otherwise not be represented without your participation.
Synodality is the way of being the Church today according to the will of God, in a dynamic of discerning and listening together to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Preparatory Document
For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission
Official Handbook for Listening and Discernment in Local Churches