About 120 parishioners from the various communities of the St Mary’s Cathedral of Sandakan turned up on Sunday March 29th 2009 to participate in the Cathedral Clean Up Day. The campaign is a step forward in making the Cathedral a friendly parish and a clean, beautiful and inviting environment could contribute to this friendly environment.
The Cathedral and its grounds are sacred and everything within it should be treated with the dignity and respect of the Lord. We ought to take prayerful pride in cleaning, shining and otherwise keeping our sacred worship space in good and clean order. The Church is God’s house; a house of worship, prayer and praise .Keeping the Church tidy brings reverence and respect and helps the Body of Christ focus on the liturgical celebrations. The exercise is to prepare the Cathedral in the most befitting manner for the Paschal Triduum , the highest and most important among all the liturgical feasts.
The parishioners gathered in the Cathedral and the event started with praise and worship songs followed by Proclamation of the Word taken from John 7:40 -53. Sr Lilianna Gobut FSIC reflected on the reading and thereafter led the Opening Prayer. The parishioners were then divided into groups and assigned to clean up areas allocated to them.
The Clean Up Day instill among the parishioners the sense of belonging, ownership and partnership. It is also an occasion to bring people of diverse communities among the faith community closer thus enhancing the spirit of ONENESS as appealed by our Lord.