Close to 250 parishioners attended the Assembly of Faithful of the St Mary’s Cathedral Sandakan held on Saturday 28th February 2009 at the Parish Hall. The assembly was held to get the laity to discern on the selection of lay leaders to be members of the Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council for the term of 2009 – 2011. Fr Paul Lo, the assistant Parish Priest delivered a talk on the mission of Christ followed by Fr Thomas Makajil touching on the topic of the roles and response of the laity. Henry Solibun and Francis Tan from the Diocesan Pastoral Working Group touched on the Constitution and procedures of selection respectively. Through the catechesis sessions in the assembly as well as in the Church, 45 nominees were shortlisted. The nominees have been invited to attend a workshop session this Saturday 28th March 2009 at 8.00 am. at the Catechetical Room. The final selection, announcement and commissioning of the new Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council would be finalised by Easter.