[The Working Committee]

Sandakan: The Working Committee for the Cathedral Parish level Harvest Festival 2009 headed by Pilis Malim met today, Saturday, 4th April 2009 at the Parish Center to deliberate on the progress and development of the forthcoming harvest festival. Representatives from St Mary’s Cathedral, St Mark’s Church Mile 12, St Paul’s Church Ulu Dusun and Our Lady of Fatima’s Church attended the meeting. Also in attendance was Phillip Mosinoh, Chairman of the Kadazan Society of Sabah for Sandakan.



The event will be a two day celebration. There will be a contest for traditional game and food sale of traditional dishes on the 1st May 2009 at the Cathedral Parish Hall. Parishioners of other communities will have an opportunity not only to watch and learn of the local games but also to taste local dishes of the Kadazan / Dusun origin from Sandakan, Ulu Dusun and Beluran.


The Eucharistic Celebration for ‘Kaamatan’ to be con celebrated by Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom and Fr Thomas Makajil, the rector of the Cathedral on 9th May 2009 will begin at 10.00 am. After the mass, parishioners will then adjourn to the Parish Hall where the Bishop will launch the occasion by beating the traditional gong three times.They will be served lunch and entertained with performances from all the various communities viz Kadazan / Dusun, Filipinos, Chinese and Timorese. The highlight of the occasion will be the presentation of the’ Hominodun’ legend which depicts the story of Kinoingan a local farmer and his wife Sumundu who both sacrificed their only beloved daughter Hominodun to the great earth so that there will be seeds for planting and there will be food for the people.

[Briefing by Michael Tivit]

Another interesting program will be the contest for the best ‘Hinava’ (raw fish ‘cooked’ in lime juice) and Lihing (rice wine) There will be a lucky draw at the end of the celebration.

The Working Committee for the event would like to cordially invite all parishioners to join in the celebration.