[+Rt. Rev. Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom]
Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom, the Bishop of the Diocese of Sandakan as the Bishop in charge of the Commission for Lay Apostolate for the Bishop’s Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei has this to say in his message to the young people of Asia at the gathering.
Greetings and may the Peace of Christ be with you.
On behalf of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam, I wish to extend a warm ‘Selamat Datang’ to all participants attending the Formation on Youth Ministry and Discipleship hosted in the Penang Diocese, Malaysia.
It’s really amazing, how God works by bringing people of diverse cultures, nations, socio economic status as one. The story of Pentecost tells of the descent of the Spirit of God, making itself understood by people of different languages gathered together in faith by the Spirit as one people of God.
In 1 Cor 12 & Rom 12, St Paul gives a description of diversity which he deemed indispensable, by using the image of the body and its members. The Spirit distributes its gifts to each one of us it chooses. ‘There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspire them all in everyone’. Diversity of this kind, which is assuredly willed by God cannot become disorder but only promotes unity. On this basis we strive for the prophetic work of fostering unity among Christians in accord with Jesus’ prayer… “That we may all be one.”
Today as you assemble in this gathering with the theme ‘Young Disciples of Asia’, may you be guided throughout by the Holy Spirit to have a deeper insight and understanding of the challenges facing the youth today. You will have ample time and opportunities to brainstorm and analyze current problems and to identify and explore possible solutions to find a way out.
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in his messages for World Youth Day urged that attention be given to minister to the youth and also for the youth to become messengers of the great hope which lies in Christ. You need to be vibrant agents for the renewal of Church today through active and effective ministries in the mission of Christ granted us to share and spread the Good News.
(Commission for Lay ApostolateCatholic Bishop’s Conference ofMalaysia, Singapore, Brunei.)