The out-going Chairman, Eusebio, in his address extended his appreciation to Fr Thomas, Sr Appolonia and Annie for their presence. He thanked his committee for the support granted to him during his two year term as the Chairman. He hoped that the Community will remain strong and shall always act as a channel to serve the Church with full commitment.
The new Filipino Pastoral Community office bearers for the term of 2009 ~ 2011 are as follows;
Chairperson ~ Josephine Del Rosario
Deputy Chairperson ~ Sioney Fiel
Secretary ~ Caroline Unabia
Asst Secretary ~ Gloria Paulin
Treasurer ~ Charito Vallecer
Asst. Treasurer ~ Teodoro Eusebio
Committee ~ Myrna De Guzman~ Josephine Reyes~ Milabel Macansantos~ Mirasol Chong
~ Ester Ordonio~ Natividad Lo~ Ruben Cachola~ Tetah Jayme
Appointed members~ Cecila D Souza~ Annette Cachola~ Teodora Malalis