The Parish Pastoral Council of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau consists of active members of the Catholic parishioners who are expected to spend time to study thoroughly, reflect deeply on parish issues and then recommend wisely sound solutions to the pastor. They were selected through prayerful discernment whose gifts and talents could be utilized for the roles expected of them. They are to exercise shared responsibility in pastoral planning and are committed to ensure that the parish remains vibrant. As faithful of the diocese, let us pray for the success of the new PPC leadership.

The following is the full line up of the new PPC for Holy Trinity Church, Tawau for the term of 2009 ~ 2011.

Msgr Nicholas Ong ~ Parish Priest of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau

Phillip Muji ~ Assistant Parish Priest, Holy Trinity Church, Tawau

Sr Liza Augustine FSIC ~ Ex-officio (representative of the religious)

Nicholas Chia ~ Ex-officio (representative of the Parish Finance Council)

Mario Domingo ~ Chairman (Family Life Ministry)

Danny Carreon ~ V. Chairman (BEC/Catechetical/Filipino Pastoral Committee)

Patricia Kuit ~ Secretary (CWA/Social Function)

Cristin Tan ~ Asst. Secretary (Bible Apostolate/Ecumenical/Prison Ministry)

Elizabeth Chan ~ Committee (Liturgical Committee)

Florence Chang ~ Committee (Chinese Pastoral Committee)

Francis Kamuntah ~ Committee (Outstation Chapels/Ecumenical)

Gabriel Nunang ~ Committee (Cemetery/Indonesian
Pastoral Committee)

John Duasing ~ Committee (Catholic Charismatic Renewal)

Dr Marcus Chin
~ Committee (Media and Publicity)

Petrus Bernadus ~ Committee (Environment)

Phillip Lee ~ Committee (Education/Bible Apostolate/Ecumenical/Pastoral Care)

Ricardo Dragon ~ Committee (Filipino Pastoral Committee)

Stuart Lai ~ Committee ( Youth Coordinator)

Thadeus Sibir ~ Committee (TUKAD Coordinator/Property)