Serving others by helping with the cooking. Very smokie also but this is a BBQ so was expected.
The Altar Servers of the St. Mary’s Parish held it’s BBQ night on the 19-06-2009. Most of it’s members attended the function together with some of their parents. It was a sort of “pot luck” style and some brought along their “dishes”. The parish priest Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil also took time out to be with us.
Prayer before meal. Everybody was very hungry already by that time. Waiting to attack the food.
Other than slide shows, the boys also took part in some team building activities and a “fashion show”. A group photo was also taken to record the event. Overall it was a good time for everyone and in the end everyone helped with the cleanup. It was also during this time that the servers were given their T-Shirts. They stayed the night at the Fr. Mulders’ Centre and will travel to St. Paul’s Church Ulu Dusun for a pilgrimage on the next day.
Group photo taken after the BBQ. This is the “free posing” mode. Except for Fr. thomas of course.
Posted by Terrence Ngui at 12:35 PM