Ladies Bible Sharing Group, St Mary’s Cathedral

Sandakan : Twenty members of the Ladies Bible Sharing Group of St Mary’s Cathedral made a trip to the Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC) on 28th May 2009. The RDC is located within the Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve which is about 28 kilometers from the town center. The purpose of the center is to create public awareness and appreciation of the importance of conserving forest as well as the sustainable use of forest reserves.

They had a thrilling time at the RDC. After exploring the whole area, they then settled down at the pavillion for the ‘sharing’ session led by Sr Appolonia FSIC assisted by Novice Marysia. The sharing was on ‘Pentecost’ the outpouring of the Holy Spirit empowering us to proclaim the mighty works of God to others through the different ‘gifts’ each received from the Lord.

Dora, one of the members shared that the outing was both enriching and fulfilling. ‘We sang, we read, we shared and we had moments with the Lord in a different setting, a different environment.’

Contributed by Viola Tsen (LSG)