Sandakan : The Liturgical Commission of the Diocese of Sandakan was officially established on Saturday, 12th September 2009. Fr Paul Lo, the assistant parish priest of St Mary’s Cathedral was appointed the coordinator of the Commission. The inaugural meeting was held at the Diocesan Meeting Room attended by representatives from all the four parishes.

In his opening address, Fr Paul thanked Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom for the trust and confidence placed in him to lead the said Commission. The Bishop is the ‘promoter and guardian’ of the liturgical life of the Diocese. He expressed his appreciation to all members who had come from far to attend the meeting. Their attendance is a clear indication of commitment and sacrifice for the service in building God’s Kingdom through the liturgical ministry.
He touched on the guidelines and stressed on the main aim of the DLC which is to promote high standards of liturgical celebrations in accord with Church documents concerning liturgy. He then briefed the members regarding the latest recommendations from the Bishop’s Conference regarding Eulogy, Benediction and Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Succour.
He informed the members that the new changes to General Instruction of the Roman Missal (G.I.R.M.) which had received the recognitio from Rome will be fully implemented in the Diocese by 1st January 2010. For that he will plan to visit all parishes to brief the Parish Liturgical Committee so that preparations for the full implementation can take place by the said date.
Rev. Fr. Paul Lo
Fr Paul Lo, representing the Diocese will leave for Manila, Phillipine on Monday 14th September 2009 to attend the Asia Liturgy Forum.
The line-up of the Commission
- Coordinator – Fr Paul Lo, Asst Parish Priest of St Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan
- Ex-officio – Sr Florence Jidang fsic (St Augustine’s Convent, Lahad Datu)
- Ex-officio – Francis Tan (Diocesan Office)
- Secretary – Jacob Chin (St Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan)
- Asst Secretary – Nelson Fernandez (St Dominic’s Church, Lahad Datu)
- Committee – Phillip Mosinoh (St Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan)
- Committee – Junaidah Adam (St Martin’s Church, Telupid)
- Committee – Christopher Stephen (St Martin’s Church, Telupid)
- Committee – Suina Ungkin (St Martin’s Church, Telupid)
- Committee – Magrina Kiob (Holy Trinity Church, Tawau)
- Committee – Elizabeth Chan (Holy Trinity Church, Tawau)