The participants of the ‘Study Day’
The Catechetical Ministry of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau conducted a study day on Catechism of the Catholic Church on 16th January 2010 at the church basement hall for some 70 participants, mainly Sunday School teachers, RCIA/RCIC facilitators, children liturgy animators and interested parishioners.

Father Phillip A. Muji, the assistant rector was the main speaker for the study day

Registration started at 8:00am and the Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr Phillip in the chapel. In his homily, he exhorted the participants to be serious in their commitment, a strong foundation in the church teaching, the right skill and above all, a right attitude.

Catechists ought to be organized and be systematic in their teaching, be sensitive and recognize the diversities of children under their care, catechize with joy and energy using effective catechetical methods.

Father Phillip conducted the study day of Catechism of the Catholic Church touching on the following;

  • history of the Church
  • Vatican Council ll
  • the 4 parts of CCC documents
  • referral to CCC documents
  • using the Malaysian Catechetical Series text
  • the Holy Mass and the Sacred Bible
A catechist job can be extremely fulfilling but no doubt challenging. Fr Phillip’s input of the day, could be of some help to the catechists to be successful with the responsibility laid down on them.

A participant posing a question to Fr Phillip
The question and answer session saw Fr Phillip responding catechetically to questions posed by the catechists. The half day ‘study’ ended at 12.30 pm.
