Sandakan : St Mary’s Cathedral Parish Choir Festival committee organised a talk on “The role of the choir in Liturgy”, on Sunday 8th August 2010 at Fr. Mulders’ Catechetical Centre. The talk was held in preparation of the Choir Festival which will be held in conjunction with the Parish Feast Day, this coming Sunday, 15th August. Around 80 participants, mostly members of the various choir groups and individual youth together with their parents, attended the talk.
The Choir Festival committee, headed by Michael Lai said that the program was mooted by senior members in the St Mary’s Parish Choir. They felt that it is timely for the music ministry to be proactive in encouraging talented parishioners to join the choir. He stressed that the Cathedral need to prepare the youth to be involved in the choir. They need to pave the way for them to come in. With this in mind, the senior members took the opportunity to have the festival, hoping to scout for potential talents.
The talk started at 1.00pm and was given by none other than the rector himself, Fr Thomas Makajil, lovingly known as Fr. Tom by the youngsters. His lively talk drew much attention from the participants and the illustrations given were very interesting indeed, very informative and inspiring.