Visitors from St John’s Church, Tuaran
Tawau : Around 40 parishioners from St. John’s Church, Tuaran paid a goodwill visit to HTC on Monday, 30th August 2010. The coordinator of the group Ms Winifred told the host parish that the idea of the visit was mooted by their rector, Fr. Nicholas Stephen.
Enriching one another through the sharing of experiences
“Do this in conjunction with the Year of the Priests.” He said. “Go to Sandakan Diocese and visit all the parishes there to share and exchange your experiences in your involvement of parish work.”
Mario Domingo sitting at far right
During the dinner fellowship, chairman of the HTC parish pastoral council Mario Domingo briefed them on the historical and geographical background of the parish.
Msgr Ong welcoming the visitors
In his welcoming speech, the rector Msgr. Nicholas Ong told them that he was happy that St John’s Church was so committed in raising awareness of the need for more vocation from the younger generation.
“That is also why we have placed a statue of St. John Vianney, patron of priests, in front of our church as a reminder for more priests.” he said.
On behalf of St. John’s Church, Ms Winifred presented Msgr. Nicholas a gift as a token of HTC’s hospitality.
During the course of the dinner fellowship, the visitors were able to share with those present on how St. John’s Church compiled the personal data and perticulars of the priests who had served there into a magazine.

Sr Liza fsic centre and Fr Phillip far right
They also brought with them CD recordings of hymns and psalms sung by their youth choir.
Julita / marcus