The Central City of Seoul
The Myeongdong Cathedral
Seoul : Professor Msgr Dinh Duc Dao of Vietnam during his strong worded presentation, yesterday 2nd September 2010 on ‘Christian Formation and Missionary Efforts in Asia’ called upon all Asian Catholics to wake up, rise and stand up together to set out with new zeal, proclaiming Jesus Christ in Asia today.

The Congress entered its third day today, Friday 3rd September 2010. The morning prayer service drew the participants closer to God and to one another through an intimate moment with Him.

Rev Bernado Cervellera on the left

The first paper on this third day, ‘Courageous Witnesses of the Faith’ was presented by Rev. Bernado Cervellera PIME (Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions), director of the missionary news service of AsiaNews. The minority Catholics in Asia cannot remain at the sideline. To spur them, they need information – the sharing of the plight and sufferings of the people. They need to be the ‘voice’ for the voiceless and for that .the media has a crucial role to reach out to the people.

Rev Damasus Uichul Jeong (centre) sharing on renewal of the parish
Dr Zenaida Rotea of the Phillipines touching on the role of women

 Three panel discussions, with a few using power point presentations, were held touching on the following;

• The renewal of the Parish
• The mission and the pastoral care of the family
• The identity and mission of Catholic Schools
• Youth evangelization and youth pastoral ministry
• The role of women in the Church and society
• The participation of Catholic lay in politics and work place

Professor Dr Guzman on the left
Christian Life Community (CLC)
St Vincent de Paul
Herald of the Gospel
Communion and Liberation (CL)
Professor Dr Guzman Carriquiry, the under secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity (Rome) presented a paper on ‘The new season for associations of lay faithful’ .Following which, representatives of some ten movements took the floor to explain and highlight the objectives, scopes of commitment and progress of their movements.
Getting ready for the departure to the Shrine
At 6.00 pm sharp, participants departed to the Jeouldusan Shrine and muzeum of the Korean Martyrs situated outside the walls of Seoul. The journey from Myeondong Cathedral to the Shrine by subway takes some 40 minutes.

 The open air Eucharistic celebration for the martyrs was presided by Bishop Andrew Yeom Soo-jun and con celebrated by Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko and Cardinal Telesphore Placidus Toppo.
