Front row L to R: Stewart, Dr. Marcus, Joel
Back row L to R; Felsa, Jessielyn, Edward, Jerome, Julita
Tawau : The media offer much benefits and advantages to the Church for it carry news and information about Church’s activities and programs, its teachings and ideas. They serve as vehicles for evangelization and catechesis not only for its members but to the whole human family.
Holy Trinity Church SOCCOM committee was formally formed in a meeting held at the Parish Conference room on Wednesday, 16 March 2011.
The meeting started with Scripture reading followed by opening prayer.
Parish pastoral council SOCCOM coordinator Dr. Marcus briefed those present as to the role and function of SOCCOM.
He also thanked those present who, though without an officially formed SOCCOM committee, had contributed in one way or another the functions of the ministry since the beginning of the new diocese.
In the meeting, the following office bearers were chosen:
Chairman: Stewart Lai
PPC Media Coordinator: Dr. Marcus Chin
Diocesan representatives: Jessielyn Monton and Joel Monasque
Members: Jerome Lim (Parish Archives)
Felsa May (Youth)
Edward Koh (Chinese)
Julita Kantod
Members also heard a sharing from Jessielyn and Joel of their experience in the Diocesan SOCCOM meetings for the past 2 years.
They also heard Stewart and Jerome giving their sharing of the recent photography workshop conducted at Sandakan.
With the SOCCOM committee officially set up, it is hoped more parish activities would be posted up in the diocesan blog. Priority will also be given in the setting up of the parish archives.
The committee is expected to continue to carry on its role and function even after the end of the present Parish Pastoral Council which is ending its present term in May.
htc soccom