Bishop Julius presiding over the mass

Sandakan : The Chrism Mass, where the bishop of the diocese gathers with the priests of his diocese is one of the most beautiful of the liturgies celebrated during Holy Week. The bishop serves as the high priest of the flock and the Mass represents his close unity with the priests who are united to him under his care.

Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom presided over the tri-lingual mass, con celebrated by the seven diocesan priests on Thursday 7th April 2011 which was well attended at St Mary’s Cathedral. 

At the onset of the celebration, the congregation participated fully in singing   from their hearts with much emotion, feeling and passion the entrance hymn on Priestly People, welcoming the bishop and all his priests.
Bishop Julius blessing the oil
The prelate in his homily explained that Chrism Mass, normally celebrated in the morning of Holy Thursday was celebrated much earlier taking into account of the convenience  where all  priests were around to hear confessions at the Cathedral for the Lenten season.

The celebration, the center of the liturgical action with the Oil of the Sick, used for those who seek the anointing, and the Oil of the Catechumens, which is imposed on those preparing for baptism and confirmation and the Oil for the Holy Order were blessed by Bishop Julius for the local church’s use over the following year.

Priests renewing their commitment before Bishop Julius 

After the consecration of the three oils, the priests renewed their commitments they pronounced at their priestly ordinations before the prelate witnessed by the people of God. They resolved to live a life of holiness, sacred celibacy and faithful service.
The prelate went on to say, ‘We express our heartfelt gratitude to the people of God gathered here today and in all parishes throughout the entire diocese for the love and continuous support given us through your personal prayers, BECs and other community gatherings.’

He said, ‘We renew our commitment before you, dear people of God to serve Christ, His mission and His Church. Keep us always in your prayer.’
