Today’s event, the 4th Anniversary of our Diocese and also the 4th Episcopal Ordination of Rt Rev Julius Dusin Gitom bears a significant milestone as it marks a complete cycle of the anniversary celebrations. St Martin’s Parish is the last parish but definitely not the least to host this event. The two-day event commenced with a banquet dinner at the Institut Perhutanan Sabah on the evening, 14th October 2011 with some 400 people attending the function.
The Opening hymn ‘Blessed be thy name of the Lord’ sang by the 28-member Parish Choir led by Hildy Albert and joined by the resounding voices of the congregation set an atmosphere of sacredness for the celebration.
In his homily, Bishop Julius called on the people to reflect on how we had worked or failed to work together in our journey in search of God. We need to rely on faith, faith in God, centered in Christ to move forward as a community. As a member of His mystic body through the sacrament of baptism we are to live the virtue of the Gospel.
He urged the people to use their gifts / talents given by God and for God for the growth of the community / parish / diocese. We are to emulate the 70 disciples chosen and sent out to preach, leaning on Christ always and thus bore much fruit. We won’t be able to go far if we depend on our own strength and wisdom. We need God in our daily life.
‘We are happy to see so many people gathered here this morning. The Church is packed and the pews at both wings are fully occupied. It is a memorable and a historical day for St Martin.’
He thanked the organizing committee headed by Albert Matussin for their commitment, Fr Jasery the rector for his guidance, all BECs, ministries and individuals for the collaboration in ensuring the success of the event.
Fr Jasery the rector, took the opportunity to welcome all from far and near who had taken time off to attend the function.
‘Today is a day where we gather to give thanks and praise to the Lord for His abundant blessings, continuous love, guidance and protection. We complete another fruitful year of existence.’
He called on the people to reflect and evaluate their faith journey as individual, ministry, community and as a parish. He said that the heir-achy, the Bishop, the clergy and religious would not be able to function without the support of the lay faithful. The laity need to participate actively in their own ways and particular situations according to individual’s charism in line with Bishop’s motto, ‘Serve one another with God’s love.’
In thanking and praising God, Bishop Julius said four years had rolled by and called on the people to recommit and rededicate themselves preparing to face new challenges ahead. He touched on the progress of the Diocese over the years and how pieces are put in place for it to be operational and functional.
He said, ‘BECs are coming around in all parishes. Responses from the people are encouraging. I am really proud to say that to date there are more than 120 BECs spread across the Diocese. People are beginning to see that BECs is a way of life in building communities and the basis for the Parish to grow for it encompasses the life of the people. My wish is that the community building through BECs will continue to flourish.’
The construction of the Diocesan Pastoral and Worship Centre launched last October is nearing its completion. The funding of some RM3.5 million is close at hand. He also announced that the new hall for St Martin will commence next year.
Patrick Seah (left) receiving the plaque from Herman witnessed by Bishop Julius |
It was officially announced that the 5th anniversary for the Diocese will be hosted by St Mary’s Cathedral Parish. The PPC Chairman of the Cathedral Parish, Patrick Seah, received the plaque bearing the logo of the Diocese from Herman witnessed by Bishop Julius.
After the Eucharistic celebration, Bishop Julius blessed the site for the proposed new parish hall located behind the Church.
Free lunch was served at the 11 stalls operated by the various BECs and thereafter the people were entertained to a host of presentations by members of the various communities and groups.
The faithful of St Martin’s Parish had done a great job in hosting the 4th Anniversary of the erection of the Diocese and the 4th Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Julius.
Bishop Julius, Bishop Datuk Cornelius (4th left front row) with clergy and religious |
Fr Jasery humbly put it, ‘It may not be the best of anniversaries but the effort and co-operation of the people is enough proof that we are moving to become matured Catholics. May we bear much fruit through His blessings as a community centred in Christ’s love.’