Tawau : Some 35 members of the Catholic Women’s Apostolate ( CWA ) of Holy Trinity Church participated in a half-day recollection on Saturday, 18th February 2012 at the basement hall. The recollection, facilitated by Sr. Liza fsic and Sr. Rusia fsic was aimed at preparing the participants for the coming season of Lent, an opportunity to reflect and renew our journey of faith.
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Sr Liza, 7th from left front row in black jacket |
The session began with the Holy Hour at the Chapel, being in the presence of the Lord before the Blessed Sacrament. In the stillness and quietness and with deep prayer, they were drawn closer to God.
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Sr Liza fsic facilitating the session |
The recollection started with the input session facilitated by Sr Liza fsic, focusing on the word of God from the Prophet Joel 2: 12 – ‘Return to the Lord with all your Heart’. Sr. Liza shared that one way to get closer to God is by searching and reading the precious words in the Bible. The words which we receive and reflect will help us to understand our lives better, for all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. She called on all participants to live an exemplary life as a Christian that others may see Christ in us, in all that we do.
A slide show about the unfortunate people, the needy and the marginalized helped to bring the participants closer to understand the Holy Father’s Lenten message, themed ‘Let us be concerned for each other, to stir a response in love and good works.’ Hebrew 10:24. She added that everyone ought to be more appreciative of the gifts granted by God and in response, need to serve God and others more.
Sr. Rusiah fsic, recently transferred from St. Dominic’s Church Lahad Datu shared about the wonderful creation of God. In this sharing the participants were invited to reflect on their way of life in relation to God’s creation especially towards nature. The participants were asked to discern on their personal life in dealing with nature, animal and specially those around them. This session brought much consciousness about appreciating and loving all God’s creation.
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Sharings by participants |
The recollection day adjourned at 1.30 pm with a luncheon fellowship in the Parish Canteen.