by ds
Seated L-R : Sheerah (Malaysia), Rose Mary (Myanmar), Bishop Baylon, Tuyet (Laos), Anna Li (China) Stading L-R : Battugs (Mongolia, Rebecca (Malaysia), Udanaa (Mongolia), Sharon (Malaysia), Charlon (Philippines), Robert (Myanmar), Timkham (Laos), Nui (Thailand), Pavina (Laos) |
Quezon City, Philippines : 11 students from 7 countries, 3 each from Malaysia and Laos, 2 from Myanmar, 1 each from Thailand, China and the Philippines who had successfully completed the10-month live-in formation program of Institure of Formation Fondacio Asia in Tandang Sora were send forth to carry out their mission in a Euscharistic celebration held at the session hall, Sunday 25th March 2012.
Sheerah of Malaysia proclaiming the 1st reading |
Bishop Baylon |
The Eucharistic celebration of the ‘Mission Sending’ also incuded the commencement of the 2nd stage of formation of its 2 Mongolian students, was presided over by Bishop Joel Zamudio Baylon DD, Bishop of Legaspi who is also the Chairman of the Philippines Episcopal Commission of Youth as well as IFFAsia Board Chairman.
The prelate in his homily said that the mission sending was most apt and fitted well to the Gospel reading of the day as what Jesus said, ‘The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified’ knowing that He will go through a period of suffering before being lifted up. When we ‘die’ to our selves, we ‘rise’ to new life becoming a new creation in Christ serving Him with faith, hope and love.
‘Dear young people of God, you are like full-fledged young birds, ready to be released to the unknown. We let you go into mission as you return to your sending organizations of your respective countries.The seed of mission has been planted in you and as caretaker of that seed, you are to make it grow.’
He continued to say that the graduates had been formed and transformed provided with the skill and knowledge to venture out to relate to the young people from across Asia. He reminded the young people to have faith in God in all they do, for in all circumstances God is always with His people.
He added, ‘Give your all to God and give it generously to the Lord. Do not hold back, go forth and serve Him. In your mission, do bear much fruit.’
He concluded by thanking the Fondacio Community and their partners, committed in the formation of leaders, for their endurance and perseverance throughout the 10-month journey.
Prayer of the faithful ~ Sharon of Malaysia |
Anna of China |
Robert of Myanmar |
Tuyet of Laos |
Battugs of Mongolia |
Commissioning of the 11 graduates |
The two Mongolian students, L-R : Udanaa and Battugs |
The young graduates commissioned to be sent forth and in response to ‘Here I am, send me’ Isaiah 6 : 8 and ‘If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me’ John 12 : 26 have their personal dreams. The three graduates from Malaysia shared of their dreams;
L-R : Sharon, Rebecca and Sheerah of Malaysia |
Sheerah Yanggus from the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu ~’To dream for the young people that they too could discover about themselves and God in their life.’
Rebecca Isaac from the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur ~ ‘To share the lights to those in darkness.’
Sharon Tan from the Diocese of Sandakan ~’To build a vibrant youth community that can help the growth of the church.’
Later in the evening, the Fondacio Community of the Philippines headed by Maricar, organized a farewall gathering for the graduates. The evening’s program started off with IFFAsia’s welcoming song with the opening lyric, ‘It’s good to see you here. I’m so glad that you came.’
Rebecca Garces, the Assistant Director of the Institute shared that IFFAsia is facing a challenging time as it undergoes a period of transition in reviewing its curriculum based on feedback from the previous five batches of young missionaries on ground. IFFAsia would like to stay relevant in the contemporary world, responding always to the needs of the local church.
Members of the Fondacio Community presenting a farewell song to the graduates |
According to her, the sixth batch has got the most privilege for they had their pastoral immersion and mission project stretching from Luzon to Mindanao.
A testimony by Pavina from Laos |
Battugs performing a Mongolian traditional dance |
Bishop Baylon seated 2nd row 4th left with the graduates, formators and staff of IFFAsia |
In her parting words to the young graduates she said, ‘We are pushing you out of the nest of formation to the edge where you will experience fear and anxiety. You might fall and knock yourself but rest assured God will carry you and you will soar to great height.’