Tawau : 10 members of the Children Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) ministry of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau, together with friends and their children made a visit to the Sri Stella Special Children Center on 7th March 2012. Three SOCCOM members also joined the visit.

Cristine Liew who led the group said CLOW responded to the Lenten message of His Holiness Benedict XVI which call forth all faithful to take heed of the biblical passage drawn from the Letter to the Hebrews; ‘Let us be concerned for each other, to stir a response in love and good works.’

The season of Lent is a season for all faithful to redirect and refocus on renewing our baptismal commitment, a need for deeper conversion of our lives. This is a favorable time to be concern for each other especially tendering our care and compassion for those less fortunate. Members of the CLOW ministry spend the day with the 23 children of which 16 are of day care and 7 residents involving cases of cerebral palsy, down syndrome , mental retarded and autism.

Their visit brought much cheer, joy and delight to the children of the centre. They played games, danced and presented each child a present, an indication that ‘we care.’ It is also an expression of gratitude for all that God has granted us.

Such act of charity, not just confined during lent but at all seasons is part and parcel of our faith. It is our way of life, an integral element of the Church’s teaching and very much in line with the Social Teaching of the Church. Let us put the ‘hands and feet’ to the message and reach out to those in need by doing His will and walking His path.