JCK, Soccom, Tawau

Tawau : On the feast of Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, 62 communicants from the Sunday School of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau received their first Holy Communion on Sunday, 10th June 2012. Among the communicants, six are from the Chinese section, twelve from the English section and forty-four from the Bahasa Malaysia section.

Fr. David A. Garaman, the assistant parish priest presided over the mass. He drew the attention of the parishioners to the wondrous love of God that through His sacred intention by sacrificing His only begotten Son to die on the Cross and through His resurrection we will all rise with Him and have new life just as the communicants. A deep and thorough understanding of the Eucharist will strengthen our way of life.

He went on to say, in his homily, that “by receiving the Body and Blood of Christ we are partaking the eternal life that God has promised us, the Sacred intention for Christ to die on the Cross so that we are freed from the power of darkness and become His heirs.

When we share the bread, we remember the body of Christ broken for us. When we share the cup, we remember the blood of Christ spilled on our behalf, promising life eternal. We all believe that by receiving the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ we are saved, we will be one in Christ.

He added by quoting, ‘whoever eats my body and drinks my blood will have eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day.’ He said that by accepting Him, we accept to do the Father’s will ~ whatever His will for us may be and by doing so, it will lead us to live in harmony, peace and joy.
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The 12 communicants and animators of the English section with Fr David |
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6 communicants and animators of the Chinese section with Fr David |
Fr. David ended his homily by inviting all parents, the communities, and individuals to continue their responsibilities in guiding and monitor those children in their journey of understanding this Sacrament.

‘Though you are still young but hope that you may grow in faith and spirit with the guidance from your parents. You must come and receive the Body and Blood of Christ every Sunday so that you will be like Him and imitate His life.’
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Seated centre, Fr David and all Sunday School animators |
A fellowship followed right after the mass for all the communicants, their parents and all animators concerned, at the Church Parish Hall.