By Julita Kantod,
Tawau : This year, World Communications Day enters its 50th year with the theme ‘Communication and Mercy : A Fruitful Encounter.’ Pope Francis in his message, invites the Church to practice mercy as the distinctive trait of all that she is and does, including the field of communication. The pontiff urges the Church to communicate with everyone, without exception. In a particular way, the Church’s words and actions are all meant to convey mercy.
World Communications Day falls on 8th May 2016. Members of Holy Trinity Parish Social Communication Ministry participated as commentator, readers, collectors and offertory during the Eucharistic Celebration on 7thMay 2016 during the Sunset Mass.
The Social Communication Ministry ( SOCCOM ) of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau responded to the message of the Holy Father on World Communications Day. They raised awareness on the importance and functions of the social media especially in spreading the Good News; the role of every baptized Catholic.
Reflecting on the Gospel from St. Luke on the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Msgr Nicholas Ong said that the second coming of the Lord is certain and will bring salvation to the whole world.
He said, “God did not abandon us. He hasascended into heaven to prepare a place for each one of us. Continue to be prayerful children of God for through prayer you will know the sign, be the witness of Christ by spreading the good news while waiting for his second coming that by the end of the day all of us will ascend into heaven with Him.“
Msgr. Ong shared on Social-Media Communications and reminded the congregation tounderstand and maximize the privilege on the use of modern day communications facility. He said, “You must know what to communicate about especially in sharing the beauty of God’s messages, presenting to others, God’s salvation and mercy. These could be achieved through articles, photos and videos so that those yet to experience such moment will personally reflect on what they read or watch.“
The new Parish SOCCOM line-up for the two year term of 2016 – 2018 was formalized on 10th April. They pledged to continue and enhance the spirit of teamwork among members in serving the Church with joy and commitment.
A video clip on the Social Media and Communications was presented in all the 3 masses over that weekend. It was hoped that it would increase every ones’ understanding and be more concerned and aware of the power of the media / social communications affecting their life.
SOCCOM of Holy Trinity Parish, established since 2009 has been actively involved in serving the Church with their motto, “Serve From The Heart.” Many have benefited from their service. Members are seen taking photographs, recording videos and doing coverage of church events.
The Parish SOCCOM Ministry will continue to serve the church as long as it is needed in glorifying the Lord through articles,photos and video recordings