By: Sheila Fernandez
Tawau: The Lenten Season is an opportunity to be more generous to those less fortunate. It is an occasion to reach out to the weaker strata of society. We are called to share the blessings we have received from the Almighty.
Pope Francis in this year’s Lenten message shared, “When we give alms, we share in God’s providential care for each of his children. If through me God helps someone today, will he not tomorrow provide for my own needs?”
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Holy Trinity Church along with SSVP (St. Vincent De Paul Society) and the Human Development Team came together to assist in alleviating the burden of some marginalized families in Bukit Gemuk, one of the isolated areas in Tawau on 18th March 2018.
This annual out-reach event was initiated by the CCR team. SSVP and PHDC participated in this Lenten event since the last two years. This indeed is a calling for close cooperation and collaboration between church ministries. It is a way forward in realizing our vision, ‘Christ-centred community serving one another with love.’
The joint-groups provided 30 boxes of mineral waters and 30 boxes of groceries containing food for daily use and toiletries. There were also goody-packs for all children of the 30 families. The program is for all needy people regardless of race, background and religious beliefs.