KENINGAU — The Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants (ECMI) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei (CBCMSB) held its 11th Annual Conference from 22nd to 25th April 2019 at Nulu Sosopon, Keningau.
Presided by Bishop Bernard Paul of Melaka-Johor, 18 ECMI members from all the arch/dioceses in the region, except Kuching and Miri, were present. Among the highlights of the meeting was a half-day presentation and sharing on networking between the dioceses in Sabah and Flores. Through the Tripartite Pastoral gatherings which started in 2011 and subsequently held once in two years, the 5th being hosted by the Archdiocese of Ende in Flores in 2017, pastoral care of Indonesian migrants have improved greatly. Memorandum of Understand (MoU) was signed and recommendations were made for closer collaborations between the Sending and Receiving Churches. Representatives of the Parish Human Development Committees of Keningau Diocese were specially invited to join in this session to expose them to the current pastoral efforts of the Local Church in Sabah.
The ECMI members were later taken to Sinjaya in Sook to celebrate Eucharist and fellowship with the migrant community. They were impressed by the faith of the migrant community who helped build the simple chapel 24 years ago and set up a Community Learning Centre for migrant children a few years ago.
The second day was focussed on the Election of ECMI EXCO for 2019-2021 term of office. Dominic Lim of KK took over from Peter Barnabas of Penang as the new Chairman of ECMI. Dennis Raj of Penang was elected as his Deputy. Shirley Joseph of Sandakan is the new Secretary while Fr. Claurence Motoyou OFM of Melaka-Johor remains as the Treasurer. The other Exco members comprise of Fr. Arin Sugit of Brunei, Fr. Raphael Samosir OFM Cap of Sibu and Esther Chia of Singapore.
Group photo of ECMI EXCO Members for 2019-2021 term of office with Clergy.
ECMI gets its mandate from CBCMSB. Among its objectives are (a) to create awareness on the need for Catholics to respond to the plight of migrants, (b) to act as a forum for all dioceses to meet and collaborate on migration issues, (c) to network with other NGOs or bodies involved in migration advocacy, and (d) to liaise with CBCMSB and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development – Migrant and Refugee Section.
Bishop Bernard concisely summarized the two-day deliberations in five key areas: Consolidation, Empowerment, Networking, Creative Pastoral Care, and Renewed Goal-setting. He felt ECMI should constantly “audit” itself to examine its motivation. He hoped ECMI would be driven by affirmation, deriving from an affirmative image of God, and not ambition.
The 11th Conference ended with a 3-hour recollection by Fr. Dr. Charles Chiew followed by an evening fellowship hosted by KSFX Parish Pastoral Council. The next Conference will be hosted by Melaka-Johor Diocese.
(Shirley Joseph, ECMI)