Reported by DaliusLL

Sandakan: “You are called”, that probably echoed on the mind of the attendees for the announcement and appointment of the new Board of Governors (BOG) Mission schools for 2023 – 2026. Fr. David Graman, Rector of St Mary Cathedral re-affirmed that the calling to call to serve is in response to God’s calling, a service of allowing their God’s given talents, capabilities, commitment and experiences in assisting the church in managing the administration of the mission schools in Sandakan.

The appointment of the BOG was announced in St. Joseph Parish Hall on 29th October 2022, 9.00 am with the attendance of around 40 parishioners and witnessed by the assistant Rector, Fr. Raymond Wong and the Headmasters and Principals of the five Missions Schools.

After naming all 28 new BOGs for the new term, the Rector reminded on the importance of cooperation and maintaining communication with the school mission Headmasters and Principals. He assured of his prayers to all the New BOGS that they will perform with their best of their ability.

In assisting the Rector during the question and answer session, Mdm. Zenia Petrus Gulitom @ Rose, the Chairperson for the Diocesan Education Commission of Diocese Sandakan briefed on the functions and responsibilities of BOG, permits and registration requirements with the Education Ministry, government’s grant and the importance of upholding the Ethos, Characters and Tradition of Mission Schools. The BOG come under the Instrument of Government – Aided Schools constituted in the Education Act 1996 (Act 550) under the provision of section 53(1) and Section 54 (1) & (2).

The appointed 28 members of the BOG compromised of person in varying background in the field of education, government and private sector employees, professionals, self-employed life skills and retired people. One thing in common is that they all are parishioners who will use their experiences and skills in assisting the Church and for the glory of God.