By Evelyn Jock
St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish in the Diocese of Sandakan celebrated the 16th Anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of the Rt. Rev Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom, first Bishop of this diocese, on 22 October 2023. 16 years ago on 15 October 2007, the Sandakan Diocese was established with the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Julius on the same day. Meanwhile the parish also celebrated Bishop Julius’ 66th birthday which falls on 14 October 2023.
The Sandakan Diocese is the youngest diocese in the whole of Malaysia. For the past 16 years it has realised many blessings derived from the faith, sacrifice, generosity and spirit of the people who make up this vibrant diocese.
With great joy, we celebrated this 3 in 1 Celebration with a Potluck Dinner. The parishioners of St. Mary, St. Mark, St Peter’s Chapel and the St. Mary’s Youth Hostel boys joined in the celebration.
The Parish Priest, Fr. Simon Kontou was heartened to see the parishioners come in throngs to support the celebration. On behalf of all the priests, religious and parishioners, he congratulated Bishop Julius on his birthday and praised and thanked God for the blessings showered on Bishop which led to the creation of our very own Diocese. He also mentioned that they are celebrating a unified community of people of different ethnicity and languages. He thanked Bishop Julius for his guidance and pledged full support to Bishop Julius in ministering God’s people in this Diocese.
Bishop Julius, as the guest of honour for the evening, expressed to the people that this was not his day alone but everyone’s day. He also uttered his joy and blessings that we celebrated the Diocesan Day on 22 October 2023 as it was also World Mission Sunday. It was an interesting theme chosen by the Pope which reflected on “Hearts on fire, feet on the move”. He recalled that when he first came to Sandakan 16 years ago, everyone had that spirit of hearts that were on fire, because at that time we were just newly established as a diocese. And it was this time too, that he was installed as the Bishop. He stressed that it could have been anyone appointed as Bishop, but Pope Francis had appointed him to shepherd the people of Sandakan.
Bishop Julius remarked that the theme for Mission Sunday reminded us of the Sandakan Diocese’s Vision and Mission statement. He also commented that the Diocese had already been practicing synodality since the reception of the Diocese, where the people had walked and prayed together. The vision, “Christ centred community serving one another with love” and 6 mission statement to achieve, of which the first mission goal, “To nurture active participation in the church with the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life”.
He also spoke that the message of the Pope appropriately, relates to everyone. There are 2 things that the people have to do to set their hearts on fire, that is, the word of God and the Eucharist. Both of these are centered on God. It is essential to know Jesus through the Eucharist and also necessary to know Jesus through the word of God and only then can their hearts be on fire to be on a mission. Thereafter they can be missionaries in their own capacity and in their own place.
Bishop Julius voiced that the people should thank God for their day. He reminded that they have been walking and journeying together and at the same time they must continue to learn and listen from each other. The people are currently doing all this and he empowered them to continue setting their hearts on fire. He also stated that they should continue to recognise Jesus in the Eucharist because the Eucharist is the source and summit of our mission.
May Our Blessed Mother, who joyfully embraced God’s invitation to a life of complete devotion, keep Bishop Julius in her loving care, and may Our Lord continue to bless his faithful servant for many years to come.