Tawau : Christmas celebration at Holy Trinity Church started at 8pm on Christmas Eve with carol singing at the main church led by the music ministry.

Msgr blessing the crib

A couple back on holiday

The congregation
There seemed to be more people coming this year, some had come home for the Christmas holiday from work or studies, while some might had been moved to renew their faith by the home caroling.
Msgr. Nicholas Ong blessed the crib before the Eucharistic celebration which began at 9pm.
The congregation singing the carols
In his homily, he asked the parishioners to feel and celebrate the joy of God’s coming in the person of the child Jesus.
He said in order to appreciate the meaning and happiness of Christmas fuller, we should read the readings of the of Christmas midnight mass as well as the readings of the Christmas day mass as they are different but complementary readings.
He also reminded the parishioners to have a long Christmas celebration as Christmas does not end after Christmas day but rather continues till the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus.
Marcus Chin