by dospo | Mar 22, 2024 | Chrism Mass, St Mary's Cathedral
Reported by Clementi Wong Photo by Parish SOCCOM Sandakan: When the Diocese of Sandakan celebrated the Chrism Mass along with the renewal of priestly vows, the main celebrant, Bishop Julius Gitom, was accompanied by priests of the Diocese of Sandakan as concelebrants:...
by dospo | Mar 10, 2023 | Chrism Mass, PRIEST, ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL SANDAKAN
Reported by Parish SOCCOM (Jonathan J. Lucas) Pictures by Parish SOCCOM (Euthalia, Romeo and Johnstone) “The Church is human and ordinary in so many ways, and yet like the oils, God consecrates us to become extraordinary.” – Bishop Julius Gitom in his Homily during...
by dospo | Mar 12, 2022 | Chrism Mass
By Evelyn Jock Chrism Mass is celebrated annually during the season of Lent, whereby the priests renewed their priestly promises and the oils used for anointing during the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Order and the Extreme Unction are being blessed by the...
by Admin | Apr 1, 2009 | Chrism Mass
Sandakan: The Chrism Mass which traditionally is celebrated earlier in the day of Holy Thursday was celebrated on Friday 27th March 2009 at St Mary’s Cathedral for pastoral reasons and taking into consideration the presence of all the diocesan priests who gathered at...