More than 100 parishioners turned up for the ‘gotong royong’ campaign to clean up Fr Mulders’ Catechetical Centre of St Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan on Sunday 24th May 2009. An estimated 850 Catholic children of the three language groups are currently attending catechism classes in the centre. The parishioners were divided into 15 groups, each assigned to clean up a classroom. Sr Liliana Gubud FSIC, the Chairperson of the Parish Catechetical Committee graced the occasion and said that the whole purpose of the activity was to make the Centre more conducive and appealing to the children and teachers of the Sunday school. She took the opportunity to thank all those who had responded to the event. Such activity provides openings to spur interaction among parishioners. It develops responsibility, enhances teamwork and creates a sense of ownership. She said such community-based activity ought to be encouraged from time to time among the parishioners.