Delegates representing Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore
Davao City : The 5th and 6th days of the assembly provided an opening for delegates to go through the immersion program. On Saturday, 24th Oct. 2009, all participants were send forth to foster homes at the suburd of Davao City and also Tagum City about 50 km from Davao.
Delegates with local parishioners of St Joseph Parish Sasa
Participants were received into the homes of host families who had taken great effort to be hospitable and accommodating.
Welcome into the home of the host family at San Rogue
Participants, during their stay with the foster families had the opportunity to see how the local people live their Christian faith and give Christian responses to the challenges of life, as BECs/SCCs. Their experiences shared through interactions are a rich source of learning for the participants. Participants returned to REMASE (Regional Major Seminary) today, 25th October 2009 around noon time.
Participants, during their stay with the foster families had the opportunity to see how the local people live their Christian faith and give Christian responses to the challenges of life, as BECs/SCCs. Their experiences shared through interactions are a rich source of learning for the participants. Participants returned to REMASE (Regional Major Seminary) today, 25th October 2009 around noon time.
Members of the San Roque BEC sharing the Word of God
Though the exposure stint was short, it provided the participants a brief insight into the Christian life of the local people.