Tawau : On 28th February 2010, Holy Trinity Parish celebrated the first Anniversary of her BEC formation with a Thanksgiving Mass beginning at 9.00 am .The mass was organized by all appointed BEC areas with the Theme “ BEC For All”.

After the Mass around 600 parishioners gathered at the parish hall for a fellowship lunch followed by presentations from various BEC groups.

In his address, the rector Msgr. Nicholas Ong said,”BEC is each and everyone of us in this parish because each BEC is in fact a small church, with all the parish BECs in turn forming the main parish church.”
He urged those areas that haven’t formed their BEC committees to do so with the help of the HTC BEC Committee. 

Thus far, about 20 areas or Tamans have formed their BEC committees out of around 70 areas identified for the yearly Home Caroling Program

During the last one year, it was noted that the rector and his assistant had made over 90 BEC visits, including some far away outstations, with very noticeable achievements, like contributing 13 home caroling groups during the previous Christmas season, organizing a monthly Saturday Sunset and Sunday mass and getting involved in the parish gotong royongs.
It was felt that the BECs concept has been found to be a good way of reaching out to the lapsed Catholics as it is done house to house.
Also, getting the BEC members involved in organizing the Sunday liturgy have enabled them to understand the deeper meaning of celebrating the Eucharist.
However, the parish BEC committee realizes that there is still a lot of work to do. For example, most of those that participate in the BEC meetings are women, with many of them still lacking the real concept of BEC.

In addition, the rector wishes to see more Chinese areas forming their BECs.

Julita Domingo.