Tawau : Sunday, 16th May 2010, Msgr Nicholas Ong, rector of Holy Trinity Church celebrated the 7th Sunday of Easter Eucharistic celebration, which coincided with the nation’s 39th teachers day with the theme ‘Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa ‘ .

Some 20 Catholic teachers and more than 200 members of the Catholic Students’ Association (CSA) of Holy Trinity Parish in full uniform, attended the Eucharistic celebration. The big turn out of the students on that day, was a clear sign of their sincere appreciation to their teachers for their dedicated service in ensuring that students are groomed and formed to be faithful and loyal citizens of the country.

After the Holy Mass, the teachers and students adjourned to the Parish Hall for a luncheon fellowship.The program of the day included games and songs, played and sang by teachers and students respectively.

Such activities create excellent opportunity for building up and strengthening the bond between teachers and students. It is also a fertile ground to inculcate good moral value in the students, to give respect and honor to their teachers.
In all human history, Jesus is the greatest teacher whose teachings are the greatest pieces of wisdom and literature. His teachings are timeless, applicable to human life at any generation. He offers wisdom and compassion that only He can give. He feeds His lambs and tends to His sheep.

To all teachers,wherever you may be, ‘Happy Teachers’ Day’/’Selamat Hari Guru’ and may the Lord bless you abundantly.
Felsa May