The annual celebration is organized to gather the people together to give thanks and praise to God Almighty for His abundant blessings.
He connected the celebration to that of the paddy which symbolizes faith and as it ripens, is likened to maturity in faith. One who attains maturity in faith ought to be more humble.
After the Mass, all faithful adjourned to the Parish Hall for a luncheon fellowship and also entertainment. In his address, Fr. Philip mentioned that the thanksgiving celebration is comparable to that of the old traditional rite of the Kadazan and Dusun community, instead of giving praise to the spirit of the paddy (Bobohizan) after harvest time, we now give thanks and praise to Jesus Christ, our Lord. for the blessings showered upon all people of God.
Mario Domingo, the PPC Chairman, Thadeus Sibir and Edward Nuing the Tukad Coordinator and Chairman respectively, shared that parishioners, living in the big Catholic community must strive to live together in unity. It is pertinent to accept one another in the real sense of brotherhood and sisterhood., sharing blessings with one another.