山打根訊 – 聖瑪莉主教座堂華協屬下聖神同禱會為慶祝成立25週年,主辦之2010年“在聖神內生活研習會”,於10月6日至10日圓滿成功舉行。此次研習會邀得砂拉越州美里教區李國興主教主講,及李主教的兩位助手Robert Lo兄弟和Anne Lo姐妹。
當晚7時設宴週年慶,受邀出席的嘉賓有Julius主教、本堂司鐸Fr. Thomas、Deacon David、堂區牧靈會主席John Baptis兄弟、CCR主席Michael Lee兄弟、華協主席陳儀鳴兄弟、Peter Thien兄弟以及Sylvester Ho兄弟。
左起:同禱會主席宋燕飛姐妹、李國興主教、本堂司鐸Fr. Thomas、JULIUS主教、堂區牧靈會主席John Baptis兄弟、CCR主席Michael Lee兄弟、華協主席陳儀鳴兄弟及Deacon David
- 在天主面前,我是誰?
- 是否敢承認自己過著沒有力量,無精打采的教友生活?
- 我們犯罪,等同再刺傷天主。
- 聖神是屬於信主的人。
- 要為每樣事情,每天“理所當然”的事感謝天主。
- 天主愛我們,我們卻不知道。
- 魔鬼在後頭誘惑,要靠讚美的力量驅逐。
- 罪在人心。
- 一時一刻不愛我,就不是天主。
- 沒有接受耶穌做我的主,我就沒有力量對抗邪惡。
- 祂是主,但是否是我的主?
- 要接受耶穌做我的救主。
- 在寬恕中看到天主的愛。
- 不寬恕,就是邀請魔鬼進來。
- 我們沒有力量救自己,需要聖神指正我們。
Sandakan – In conjunction with the 25th Anniversary of the Chinese Prayer Group of St. Mary’s Cathedral, a ‘Life in the Spirit Seminar’ with a theme on ‘Discover the Holy Spirit in Your Heart’ was organized, from the 6th to 10th October 2010.
Some 120 participants from the Cathedral Parish Chinese community took part in the 4-day seminar, conducted by Rt Rev Anthony Lee, Bishop of the Diocese of Miri, assisted by Robert Lo and his daughter, Anne.
On Sunday, 10th October, 31 candidates from the Chinese Sunday School of St. Mary’s Cathedral and St. Mark received their 1st Holy Communion.
The 4-day event concluded with the 25th Anniversary Dinner, attended by all participants and members of the Chinese community, at the Parish Hall. Also attending the function were Bishop Anthony Lee, Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom, Fr. Thomas Makajil, Deacon David Garaman and other Parish group leaders.
A slide presentation on the history of the Chinese Prayer Group was shown during the course of the dinner.
Bishop Anthony Lee in his speech, reminded the members always to give thanks and praise to the Lord in all circumstances..
St. Mary’s Parish Soccom