Carrying the statue of Sto Nino during the entrance procession 
Mgr Nicholas Ong presiding the Eucharistic celebration
Members of the Filipino Community from across Sabah attending the Mass
The offertory

Tawau : The Filipino Community of Holy Trinity Church celebrated the Feast of Santo Nino de Cebu on  Sunday January 16, 2011 with a thanksgiving mass presided by Msgr Nicholas Ong attended by some 500 parishioners. The Filipino community acknowledges Santo Nino as the foundation of their faith

In his homily the rector told the community that Santo Nino symbolized the baby Jesus (Holy infant of Jesus)  an example of our full dependence of God the Father.

“A child is innocent, fully dependent on the father, and it pleases God when we show our full dependence on Him.” he said.

“Unless we behave like children we will never enter the kingdom of God.”

After the mass everyone proceeded to the Parish Hall for a luncheon fellowship and some presentations.

Referring to the theme for this celebration “ONE COMMUNITY IN CHRIST”, Msgr Ong addressed the parishioners, that the 
one community means we are in communion with one another as a Church. Sharing meals is in itself a sign of a community.” 

According to Rufino Pontillas, the Filipino Pastoral Community Chairman, the attendance this year was unexpectedly high with other Filipino communities from Keningau, Stella Maris KK, Lahad Datu, Kunak and Sandakan participating in the feast. 

The celebration ended at 2 pm with a closing prayer led by Sr. Tauria.
