
The program commenced at 9.00 am with the Enthronement of the Bible led by Cecelia D’Souza, the CWA Chairperson, followed by the Proclamation of the Word taken from the recollection theme. The recollection was facilitated by Sr. Appollonia Gumpu fsic with the objective to reflect and ponder on Jesus parable “Who are we in the story and are we able to forgive and ask for forgiveness?” She also took the opportunity to relate on the core issues of Pope Benedict XVI Lenten message to the Catholics to that of the day’s recollection.

The first session was presented by Seminarian Stanley William, who is on pastoral exposure in the parish. ‘If we are the one who had inherited the fortune, would we fare better than that of the lost son?’ His lively and vibrant presentation made the participants glued to him throughout the session. He summarized the slot with a meaningful video clip representing the greatness and unconditional love of God for each and all.

The second session was delivered by the rector himself, Fr. Thomas Makajil. He gave a touching and emotional illustration of “what would be the feelings of the concerned mother of the lost child?” The rector illustrated, if the mother had written a letter to the lost child, it would be a letter of love and forgiveness. He elaborated further by referring to Isaiah 49:15, “Can a woman forget her own baby and not love the child she bore? Even if a mother should forget her child, God will never forget you”. In conclusion, Fr. Thomas called upon the participants to emulate the love of the father and the mother as well as that of the lost child and to reflect on God’s love lavished unto all, despite of their failures and shortcomings.

The afternoon session resumed with the recitation of the seven sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary led by Sr. Appollonia. The recollection concluded with the Way of the Cross led by Seminarian Stanley William.