article by JCK Soccom Tawau
Tawau : Some 50 members of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau selected from the various groups and ministries especially from the BECs as well as from the out stations attended a talk and workshop on ‘Understanding Your Church’ on Friday 18th May 2012 and Saturday 19th May 2012.

The aim of the gathering is to prepare themselves for the upcoming Parish Delegate Assembly for the purpose of drafting the proposed Diocesan Vision and Mission statement scheduled in September 2012.

The session began on Friday night 18th May 2012 at 7.00 pm with a brief introduction about the purpose of the program by Mario Domingo, the Chairman of the Task Force Sub Committee. He also presented the flow of the activity and the schedule to follow through in accomplishing the task entrusted to each parish. Fr Charles Chiew, from the Diocese of Keningau facilitated the next session the following day, Saturday 19th May 2012 from 8.00 am till 3.30 pm at the Church Basement Room.

Fr Charles in his opening remark said, ‘Living without a vision is likened to living without a purpose.’ A vision is like a compass directing our destination, our goal and our focus. It is pertinent that all parishioners own the ‘shared vision.’ Thus, the vision must be derived from the grassroots.

A good, deep and thorough understanding of our own local Church will help in the contribution of ideas, opinions, views and guidance in formulating the Vision and Mission statement of the Parish as well as the Diocese. Participants split into groups, had ample opportunity to discuss on the reality of the Church, its strength and weaknesses. This was followed by ‘Moving forward to build a desired Church.’

The workshop progressed as planned and was well participated. Msgr. Nicholas Ong the Rector, Fr. David Garaman the Assistant Rector and also the religious sisters, Sr. Liza fsic, Sr. Tauria fsic and Sr. Rusiah fsic also attended the session.

All facilitators who had attended the talk / workshop are expected to hold their own mini assembly among their own groups, BECs or ministries according to the schedule assigned to them starting June to August 2012.

The Task Force will compile all reports and thereafter to hold the Parish Delegates Assembly in September to eventually formulate a tentative Vision and Mission Statement for the coming Diocesan Delegates Assembly scheduled next year.
The event ended at 3.30 pm with Msgr Ong extending a vote of thanks to Fr. Charles followed by a Closing Prayer led by him.