JCK Soccom Tawau

Tawau : The Kadazandusun Community is called to be good branches of the vine and bear  fruit to the plenty, witnessing to Gods’s love during the Harvest Festival Thanks Giving  Mass at Holy Trinity Church, Tawau on Sunday, 6th May 2012.
More than 1000 parishioners, of which nearly 400 members from TUKAD ( Tinimungan Umat Kadazandusun ) attended this meaningful celebration presided over by the assistant rector Rev. Fr. David A. Garaman at the 9.00 am Bahasa Malaysia Mass .
This yearly event is always a moment of expressing our deep gratitude and thanks to God for His abundant blessings showered upon His people. It is through the wide and deep love of God  that we are provided with all the good gifts, the daily necessities of life which we received endlessly throughout the year.
Reflecting on the Gospel for that Sunday taken from John 15:1-8, parishioners were reminded that Christ is the true Vine and we the branches. We will bear much fruit if we abide in Him, following His teachings and His commands. Without Jesus we are nothing and separated from Him we will wither and die.

Continuing with his homily, Fr David said that when we abide in Jesus as whatever you ask for, the Lord will answer. We are to walk the path of the Lord each day and to turn our back on the lusts of the flesh and the things of the world.
Addressing all the TUKAD members and the congregation at large, Fr David urged each and all to journey as a community in the parish, living  in communion, tolerance, respect and care to gather more fruits and become authentic witnesses of Christ. We have to contribute to build up  the one apostolic church. We need to sacrifice for the well being of the Catholic Church. 
Fr David concluded his homily by inviting all parishioners to remain in Christ, emulating Him in all we say or do. It is only in connection with the people of Christ that we can truly be part of the vine.
Fr David with the EMCs

After the Thanks giving Mass all parishioners adjourned to the Parish Hall for lunch and some entertainment.

In his welcoming words, Fr. David again stressed on the importance of keeping the tradition alive among the new generation so that the true identity of the Kadazandusun will not perish in the course of time. He was happy to note that through the discernment weekend held in March 2012, TUKAD had started the  Kadazandusun classes for their children a month ago.
Edward Nuing the present chairman of TUKAD shared in his speech that the response from  parents sending their children for the Kadazandusun tuition class is very encouraging. The teachers are qualified and registration is free.
The PPC Chairman, Mario Domingo said that ‘when we do things, do it with honesty and humility, the key elements for achieving peace within the community, so that all of us will give thanks and praise to God  as His people.
Fr David presenting a certificate of appreciation to Thadeus Sibir for his outstanding service as one of the pioneers of TUKAD.
Sr Tauria fsic rendering a Kadazan song
Presentations by the children and teenagers of TUKAD 
The gathering ended at 3.00 pm with a Closing Prayer led by Fr. David Garaman.