By Mazdollyna Majalin 
Lahad Datu : 98 participants gathered at St Dominic’s Open Hall on 11th July 2016 for a thanksgiving fellowship for the successful participation from the contingent of St Dominic’s Parish at the 4th Sabah Youth Day held on 6th – 10th June at Holy Trinity Church, Tawau.  It was also an occasion to celebrate the great and wonderful relationship bond established among the participants during the preparation process and along the journey of SYD-4.
Also in attendance were the rector of the parish, Rev Fr Simon Kontou, the Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council, Patrick Chong, Willie Binati and Teodolfo Rosalia. 

Fr Simon Kontou mentioned that SYD4 is an excellent platform for the young people to be uplifted in keeping steadfastly and living out the Catholic faith. He urged the participants to never stop sharing and spreading the love of God among themselves and to others. Continue to be the light of Christ and be bearers of Christ’s love.

Patrick Chong also believed that, the journey probably was not an easy one and could be tough at times but he called on the young people to keep praying the Holy Rosary prayer in order to be guided along the way.

Willie Binati, an anchor for Rakan Belia of St Dominic also expressed his gratitude to the members for their commitment, involvement and cooperation. With all the experience gained from SYD-4 and the blessings from God Almighty, he hoped that the youth would keep on living the Catholic faith and remain as the pride of the Church.

The day was filled with laughter and joy. All youth had a great time together sharing their joy through action songs. They also shared on their journey throughout SYD4, from the preparation stage till the event proper. Most importantly, it was the love of Christ that had sealed the strong bond of relationship among them.
The 4th Sabah Youth Day had set the momentum for the Lahad Datu Youth to spread the love of Christ. They shall be the catalyst of our Catholic faith and be sowers of love. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. (John 13 : 35)