By: Julita Kantod
Holy Trinity Parish Tawau: A total of 165 recipients were sealed with the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, 20th November 2016, during which the Solemnity of Christ the King was celebrated.
A week before, all would-be recipients attended a recollection on 13th November 2016, together with their godparents and parents as final preparation in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The Eucharistic Celebration was presided over by Msgr Nicholas Ong: the Vicar General of the Sandakan Diocese conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation together with Rev. Fr. Philip Anthony Muji and witnessed by some 2000 or more parishioners including their parents and godparents.
In his homily, Msgr Nicholas Ong touched on the Kingship of Jesus, the Spiritual and Divine King. “Christ is our Divine King who is full of love, mercy and forgiveness, without hatred, anger or revenge but justice and peace; only with this kind of King can the world be saved” he said. “Today, we witness the Sacrament of Confirmation to be conferred to our children or friends. To all the recipients, I believe that all of you must have prepared yourselves to receive this very important sacrament of your life: to be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Open your heart and discern on your action after this. The spirit that you receive is the Spirit of God – the King of the Universe, the God of love and peace. Receive Him every Sunday in the Eucharist so that your soul will be nourished and strengthened otherwise it will be dead. Build in you the attitude of attending and respecting the Day of the Lord; that gift of Confirmation will grant you wisdom; to continue to grow as matured Christians and become God’s witness of love and mercy” he said.
He then ended his homily by inviting each parishioner to live up the experience gained during the whole year of mercy to others. “The Year of Mercy is closed today but I invite you to continue to practice the virtue that you received in the Year of Mercy by opening another door towards others who have not yet experience the mercy of God. Open your heart, your time and wisdom and share it with others that they may see Christ mercy in you. God’s mercy has no limit; let us all continue to live and to follow the example of Christ in the journey of our life on earth” he said.
It is indeed a moment to be remembered and treasured by all the newly confirmed brothers and sisters. In acknowledging that without the Holy Spirit as our guide and advocate, humans are nothing but a sinner. It is by his grace and by his grace alone that we are saved.