By Julita Kantod
Holy Trinity Parish Tawau : Some 300 parishioners from various communities, groups and ministries gathered in a simple and meaningful gathering on the 22nd January 2017 at 6.30 to 9.30 in the evening to appreciate the service rendered by Sr. Liza Augustine FSIC. She is transferred to the Diocese of Keningau. At the same time, a thanksgiving celebration is held to commemorate the 9th Sacerdotal Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Philip Muji while welcoming the arrival of both Sr. Julita Joseph from the Diocese of Keningau to Sandakan Diocese and Seminarian Arthur John who will be in his spiritual immersion at Holy Trinity Parish, Tawau.
Msgr. Nicholas Ong in his sharing thanked Sr. Liza for her great and wonderful service to this church and having actively participated in all church programs. “I believe Sr. Liza had inspired many of us by her commitment and wisdom in serving the church. Let us thank and pray for her in her new place that God will grant her the joy and peace throughout her service” he said.
Sr. Mary Liza Augustine from the Franciscan Sister of Immaculate Conception served Holy Trinity since 2008. In 9 years journey with the parishioners, she was actively involved in the faith formation either in the area of Liturgy, BEC, Legion of Mary, CWA, PYA and together with the Family Life Ministry as the spiritual advisor. She has contributed her knowledge, time, talent and guidance humbly and joyfully regardless of situation. A resource person in providing and delivering talks together with other lay leaders and elders in the church besides one of the contributor in the Sandakan News update Articles. Sr. Liza also was the Sister In-Charge of Holy Trinity Kindergarten for the past few years before her transfer.
“I am blessed to be given this opportunity to serve God through the church with all of you. I learned many things throughout my service in this parish. I felt I belong here and taken care of by you. Thank you for your love, friendship and sharing. It will be one of the most beautiful remembrances to me.
Finally, let us continue to serve the Lord regardless of place, situation or environment” she said.
Fr. Philip who will celebrate his 9th Sacerdotal Anniversary on the 2nd of February, on his short sharing thanked everyone for their support and prayer. “Being a priest, sometimes we face many challenges too. Some are being compared to another priest and some concerning the perseverance t needed in this vocation. As a priest that had served the Lord for 9 years, what we hope from you is your prayers and support so that we can journey together with one purpose – to continue the mission of Christ. Continue to pray for me, for my perseverance and health. Let us march together joyfully and faithfully” he said.
Seminarian Arthur John is also in his Pastoral immersion for four months at Holy Trinity Parish Tawau. We wish him all the best and special grace in his call.
Due to some unavoidable circumstances, Sr. Julita Joseph was unable to attend this fellowship but perhaps another separate gathering will be organized later. The Holy Trinity Church welcomes her joyfully and looking forward to serve with her.
In a separate occasion the Family Life Ministry held a special thanksgiving dinner to Sr. Liza for all her guidance and friendship with the Ministry for the past 9 years.