By: Julita Kantod
Tawau: SM St. Ursula Convent Mission School, under the Holy Trinity Church of Tawau, celebrated Family Easter Celebration, conducted for the first time inside the school compound besides Bible Knowledge Class, Alpha course and Student Mass activity.
This program took place on the 30th April 2017 attended by some 200 or more students, teachers and parents. This event was extended to the other 3 Mission Schools namely SK Holy Trinity, SM Holy Trinity and the Kindergarten whose representative attended as well.
The BOG members and Seminarian Raymond Lee also came to represent the Church.
This inspiration came from a few catholic teachers and other Christian denomination of St. Ursula through the support of the Principal.
The purpose of this activity was:
  1. To enhance the relationship between the Christian Teachers and Students by promoting understanding and teamwork
  2. An opportunity to all parents to get to know each other and to support each other in the school activity.
  3. Building relationship with Christ as well as within other Christian churches and other non-Muslim believers.
The program began with an opening prayer led by Bro Raymond followed by an ice breaking session and fellowship lunch.
In her address Madam Chu Set Mei, the Principal, expressed her gratitude and thanks to all the members of the committees in organizing this very symbolic and meaningful program “I am proud and amazed upon the spirit of unity and acceptance among teachers and students coming from different Christian denomination, wonderfully working together towards this event .I believe that this is one of the significant celebrations of your faith. Good things like these should be put into practice so as to sustain and to continue the spirit of sisterhood especially among teachers, students and parents. This ethos shows that spiritual activity is one of the core foundations of any Mission School” she said.
An input was then delivered by Mario Domingo, the BOG Chairman of St. Ursula, on the meaning of Easter. “Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday has given us this Paschal Mystery gained for us salvation and freed us from the ‘old’ ways of life. Thus, Easter gives us a new life and a hope. Let us experience together the love of God through humility, joy and peace by being a good student, teacher and also as parents.

The program continued with games and competition such as Egg colouring competition for 6-12 years, finding the most candy for 17 and above and Egg drawing competition for age 13-16 years old.
Program ended at 4 in the afternoon with distribution of the Easter Eggs by all the BOG members followed by presentation of gifts to the winners and closing prayer led by Mario.