By : Julita Kantod
Holy Trinity Parish Tawau: Some 1000 or more parishioners participated in the Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Msgr. Nicholas Ong, on 11 June 2017, in conjunction with the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, which the church has taken its name. The 8am Eucharistic Celebration, though it was raining, was still able to gather parishioners from various communities, groups, ministries and the nearby Chapel.

Msgr. Nicholas Ong, the rector, in his homily, urged all parishioners to remain as faithful children of God, especially in the mystery of the Holy Trinity. “We are all blessed, for God has gifted us with the faith of believing in the most controversial statement by most religion, The Holy Trinity. Our faith teaches us very clear that The Holy Trinity is the mystery of love, communion and peace which is visible in the person of Christ, our God and Saviour. By His suffering, death and resurrection, God is with us in the form of the Holy Spirit. By God’s grace and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, we are indeed in communion with Him, our God. You do not only see the full meaning of the Trinity but you experience it and in return, you must share it to others. The unity and communion that you build within the people around you is the sign of peace and worth of salvation” he said.

In relation to the Vision and Mission of the Diocese, Msgr. Nicholas Ong continued his short explanation on the importance of unity in diversity; to journey together in achieving the Vision as one big family of God. 

After the Eucharistic celebration all parishioners adjourned to the Parish Hall for some entertainment and fellowship.

The gathering which was attended by more parishioners began with a word from the emcee to welcome everyone followed by a short sharing on the Vision and Mission of the Diocese presented by Mario (On the Vision statement) and Julita (on the Mission statement). It was an opportunity and an approach to make sure all parishioners are aware of its existence and hopefully, be able to understand its purpose and their role in making the Vision and Mission a success.

The participation from Kalabakan, St. Clement Brantian, St. Thomas Bombalai and St.Jude Sempurna  packed the Parish Hall but eventually made the occasion merrier.

Msgr. Nicholas Ong expressed his gratitude and thanks to all parishioners for their effort and cooperation in celebrating the Eucharist. Coming together dressed in different colourful costumes, reflected the unity, understanding and friendship among the faithful.

The ceremony continued with the cutting of the anniversary cake, followed by lunch and few games. The program ended at 1.30 in the afternoon with a closing prayer by Sr. Martha.