On 29 July 2017 marked the establishment of the Parish Family Life Ministry in the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima Beluran, the fifth parish of Sandakan Diocese.
“It is about time to have your own Family Life Ministry in order to find out the challenges faced by families in your own parish. If you do not know your enemy, how can you overcome them? Therefore, be aware and identify them then together we find solutions”, the prelate said.
A slide show presentation was then elaborated by Cesar Siruno, Chairman of Sandakan Parish Family Life Ministry. He presented the scope of the ministry in the parish, diocesan and regional level, comprising of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei jointly participated by the clergies and the religious. Diverse and yet having almost similar tasks : helping to prepare couples before getting sacramental marriage in the Church, Marriage Enrichment Programs, advocating Pro-life through Natural Family Planning(NFP), helping and coordinating Senior Citizens and single parents, collaborating with other Commissions and ministries in giving talks relevant to family life, visitation and pilgrimage.
“My faith in God was developed as I journeyed together with other members in this ministry”, Floresca James, a widow and a senior citizen said, “then I am able to help others who are journeying alone, just like me, for I cannot give what I do not have”.
“From the presentation and sharing, we are challenged to broaden our perspective in our understanding of a family as a whole” Hendrikus OLOF Chairman
Asst. Chairman – Camillus Bikanis
Secretary 1 – Linda Marcus,
Secretary 2 – Anthony Valentinus ,
Treasurer – Cristina Heresilles and Committee members.