By Julita Kantod

Holy Trinity Parish Tawau: Some 130 candidates received the Sacrament of Confirmation on the 19th November 2017 during Bahasa Malaysia Eucharistic celebration. The Eucharistic celebration was presided by His Lordship Rev. Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom and concelebrated with Msgr. Nicholas Ong at 9 in the morning.
These confirmands are from various classes and also from the Outstation parishioners as follows:  17 from the English class, 11 from the Chinese, 28 from the Bahasa and 74 from the outstation respectively. 
A week earlier, the candidates attended a recollection along with their sponsors and their parents in preparation for receiving the Sacrament.
In his homily, his prelate expounded on the Gospel of Mathew 25: 14-30 regarding the Parable of the Talent. “The Gospel tells of talents. The Holy Spirit is the gift you will receive today.  The gospel of Mathew reminds us all, and especially to the candidates, that the Spirit of God is always with you, whether you realize or not its presence.
The Holy Spirit is your advocate in times of confusion, dilemma or any kind of temptation. He will guide and lead you in choosing the right decision or inspire you with wisdom. All these gifts are a free gift that is given to you. Therefore, do not hide your talents; share your expertise and insights with others because that is, the fruit of the Holy Spirit which dwells within you. Do not be afraid of your talents, but just share it, and develop your talents by serving your family, the community and the church. Do not let that little thing you have to be taken back for remaining futile “he said.
His prelate ended his homily with an encouraging message to the congregation to live up their faith and pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom, strength and affirmation in serving the church and one another. Indeed, developing the gift of the Holy Spirit will nourish the lives of the faithful.
After the Eucharist, all confirmands proceeded to the Parish Hall for lunch together with their parents and sponsors.