Recorded by
Soccom Team

Sandakan: Diocese of Sandakan hosted a two day Pastoral Plan Study focusing on the Diocesan Vision and Mission, from Sunday to Monday evening, 11-12 February 2018. Around 70 people attended the two-day Study Day comprising of Priests, Religious Nuns, Seminarians and Parish Pastoral leaders from the parishes of St. Mary Sandakan, Holy Trinity Tawau, St. Dominic Lahad Datu, St. Martin Telupid, Our Lady of Fatima Beluran and the Mission Paitan. The study was held at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Worship Hall.
In His Lordship Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom welcoming address, he said that the attendance of the participants in this Study Day displayed their commitment to realising the Vision and Mission of the Church. The formulation of the Vision and Mission in the pastoral plan came from the grassroots; therefore no other people can make it into reality but we. He hoped that with these two days of study, the priests, religious and leaders of the church will help in achieving the Vision and Mission and to be disseminated down to all the group leaders in their respective parishes.
At the same note, His Lordship Bishop Julius informed that the Sandakan Diocese had the privilege to present its Vision and Mission Statement to the Holy Father, Pope Francis at the Ad Limina meeting (together with the Bishops of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei) in the Vatican three days ago. In response to the Vision and Mission Statement, His Holy Father is pleased to acknowledge the Statement and advises that the Statement has to be put into practice. Likewise, His Holiness gave the prelates pastoral tip on prayer by saying, “when we pray and act upon it, we are actually revealing the face of Jesus”.
The Sandakan Diocese has adopted their vision as a “Christ-centered community, serving one another with love” and with six mission goals to achieve the vision that is,” to nurture active participation in the church, to foster a spirit of unity, to intensify faith formation, to enhance living the gospel values, to promote vocation and to foster family values”. Through this vision and mission of the diocese, it clarifies the guiding principles by which it operates and makes decisions that set the direction for the parishes in this diocese. The objective of the Study Day is to understand why all the leaders , with the participation of the laity, should go all out to put the plan in place. It is important for the entire congregation to have a full understanding of what the diocese is trying to accomplish so that everyone can support and achieve the vision of the Church. The Diocesan Pastoral Plan is a tool that will help to keep the respective parishes focused on its priorities.
A total of 5 sessions was presented during the 2-day study, which covers the following topics;
Session 1 (Part 1): Explanation of the Diocesan Pastoral Logo, History and chronology leading to the formation of Vision and Mission Statement by Mr. Francis Tan
Session 2 (Part 2): – Approach and Process in the formulation of Vision and Mission and its rationale and Goals by PPC Chairman, Mr. Pilis Malim.

Session 2: Way Forward by Sr. Maria Dipal, rgs

Session 3: Organisation Structure and, Roles and Functions by Anna Teresa

Session 4: Pre-Implementation and Leading Role Matrix by Fr. David Garaman
Session 5: Documentation of Program Implementation, Indispensable Stewardship Role and, Monitoring and Evaluation by Eva Siruno

In between the sessions, the participants were grouped together according to their respective parishes for dynamic discussion based on the questionnaire given and presented their views and ideas to the floor.  
Before the final session of the talks, all the participants attended an evening Mass presided over by His Lordship and con-celebrated by all the Sandakan Diocesan priests. In concluding the Diocesan Pastoral Plan Study Day, His Lordship is pleased to see the active participation in every discussion which reflects their enthusiasm to realise the pastoral plan in accomplishing the Vision and Mission of the diocese. Although in that respect are a mixed feeling and fear of the many challenges ahead of them in carrying out the pastoral plan, His Lordship said not to be overly worried because we rely on the strength of God. What is important is that we must first be transformed in our mind, heart and soul in our spiritual journey. We might not see the fruit of our vision and mission, but we have at least planted the spiritual seed and prepared the foundation for others to build on. The study day ended late in the evening with the Lord’s Prayer.