By Mario Domingo

Tawau : Some 25 children, aged between 5 and 12 years participated in a 2-day Liturgical Camp, organized by the St. Stephen Tass Catechetical team led by Elsie Gabriel and assisted by a few Sunday school facilitators on 3rdand 4th February 2018.
The organizing team took the initiative to bring together the Sunday school children to stay overnight at the Church, and in a good way; away from their family to focus and experience a night of being ‘missing’ from their parents and learn to stay with their peers as a small community.
The Camp began with registration early in the morning on 3rd February, followed by an ‘Ice-breaker game’ called “We Care”. The children were divided into groups of 6. The objective of the game was to nurture the spirit of kindness, working as a team and trusting their companions.
The Co-Chairpersons of the Family Life Ministry of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau, Mario Domingo and Julita were invited to share on some inputs on the flow and meaning of the Eucharistic celebration as well as an affirmation of the richness of the Eucharist. The session is an early overview for the children so that as they grow up, they may appreciate and develop a deeper understanding of the matter.
Julita presented her input session informally which drew the attention of the children, who enthusiastically participated in the talk. She said, “The Eucharistic celebration is much more important than any other celebration in our life as a Catholic.  As you grow up, remember everything what you see, listen and experience during the Eucharistic celebration, by that it will help you to recall, to understand each part of the celebration.” She stressed that, “The most important experience is that you must believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharistic celebration.”  
The Children were attentive and participated actively in the 90-minute talk. They asked questions and the answers provided, reinforced their knowledge and understanding on what they have heard and learned.
Imparting the knowledge on the real meaning of the Eucharist to the young is the foremost role of every parent, supported by the Church through the Sunday school classes. Generally, most of the participants were remarkably knowledgeable regarding the flow and meaning of the Eucharistic celebration. This is definitely the fulfilment of the parents’ role and the Sunday school weekly classes.
A topic on “ Me and Sunday School “ was also  presented to create an awareness on the beauty of gaining spiritual knowledge through the weekly classes for the children getting involved in such activity for the first time.
The Liturgical Camp continued with the overnight program, followed with a few more activities for the following day. One interesting recreational activities, was bringing the children under supervision for an excursion nearby.