By: Julita Kantod
Photos by John Tendahal

Holy Trinity Tawau: Ash Wednesday marks the first day of lent in 2018 which falls on February 14. It is an important day in the Christian calendar as it marks the first day of fasting, repentance, prayer and self-control which are essential in making a meaningful Lent observation.

Holy Trinity Parish Tawau began their Lent Season with a Eucharistic celebration on the 13th February 2018 at 7.30 in the evening, the eve of the actual day of Ash Wednesday, attended by some thousand parishioners from all languages. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Msgr Nicholas Ong. Parishioners gathered with faith and hope to the love and mercy of God  by wearing the symbolic mark on their foreheads, “the Blessed Ashes”, made sacramental by the blessing of the Church, as a sign of repentance and to return to the Lord God.
“Remember, man is dust, and unto dust you shall return” a profound word that is familiar during the distribution of ashes. When coupledwith reflection, prayer and penance, parishioners will experience deeper the unceasing love of God Who created mankind out of love and through Him all the graces and blessings are granted to us. Hence, without His mercy and forgiveness, life has no meaning, no purpose.
Msgr. Nicholas in his homily, drew the attention of the congregation by explaining the deepest meaning of Lent “  the penance you receive during this period of  Lent is not the penalty for your sin or for the mistake that you have done, but it is an opportunity to purify yourself and hope for God’s mercy. Penance means not only repenting from sin and wrongdoing, but rather to turn to the beloved God. Him who has loved us unceasingly and faithfully awaits us because He is Love, so that you may experience a new life in the resurrection of Christ during the Easter vigil. By turning to God with all your hearts in humility could transform us into His faithful children while not taking advantage of His unconditional love. This Lent season is an opportunity to rebuild your relationship with God, turn to Him   and not on the earthly things” he said.
Msgr. Nicholas ended his homily by reminding us the importance of living up the Social Teachings of the Church in the care and concern for those who are in need,  accompanying the lonely and the practice of alms-giving. 

Parishioners then received their Ashes smoothly before the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and finally the mass ended at 9 in the evening.