by Romeo Francis
Sandakan : 38 members of St Teresa of Calcutta Indah Jaya BEC visited the Sabah Cheshire Home, Sandakan located at Mile 5, Jalan Sibuga on Saturday 3rd March 2018. It is one of their out-reach program planned for the Lenten season.
Ermawati, the Assistant Manager gave a briefing on the background, statistics and programs run by Cheshire Home. Currently, the home houses 27 residents with disabilities, 19 stay in and 8 receiving day care services. 5 kids below the age of 4 years are given early intervention services at the centre.
The Home was established in the year 2000 and has a work force of 20 personnel. All of whom are well trained to provide residential care and training to promote independence for individuals with disabilities. Beyond that, they also provide support services to the families of the individual residents.
Being an NGO, the Home depended much on donations, government grant and some income derived from their ‘Treasure Shop.’ The thrift shop received contributions of used household items from caring members of the society and disposes it at a reasonable amount to people who may need it.
She appreciated the visit organised by the BEC and hoped more will come forth to assist the less privileged. She encouraged the wider society to be more participative in outreach work especially to the less fortunate.
John Tan, the Chairman of STOC BEC thanked the BEC members for participating in the visit. It is a spiritual practice during the Lenten season as a way of being merciful and compassionate, bringing cheers and joys to the least in society. The visit is a way of bringing the light of Christ, the gracious light of Christ into the lives of others.
He urged the members to deeply reflect on the blessings received and how, as individual, may share it with others. That way, we are moving towards our vision, ‘Christ-centred community, serving one another with love.’
Members of the BEC contributed some food stuff, used household items and cash to the Home. They spend much time visiting the various sections of the Home. They also patronised the ‘Treasure Shop’, take and contribute. The visit ended with a luncheon fellowship with the residents. Before leaving for home, Sr Appollonia fsic led the Closing Prayer.